M. Feroze Ahmed

Date of birth : 31st December 1945

Nationality : Bangladeshi

with wife

Married, wife Sharifun Ahmed: one son Dr. Tanvir Ahmed and two daughters Sumana Ahmed and Sharmina Ahmed.

Wife Sharifun Ahmed is a housewife. She received Ratnagarva (Mother of Jewells) award for all her children securing merit positions in nation-wide held public examinations in Bangladesh.

tanvir family

Son Dr. Tanvir Ahmed, Graduated in Civil Engineering in 2002 from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), obtained his M.Sc. in Civil and Environmental Engineering degree from BUET. and Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston, USA. Tanvir Ahmed received several gold medals and awards for exceptional meritorious performance. He is an Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka. Dr. Tanvir Ahmed is married to Dr. Nehreen Majed, who received the academic degrees of B. Sc. Engg. (Civil) from BUET and M.Sc. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from BUET and Ph.D. from North Eastern University (NSU), Boston, USA. She is an Assistant Professor at the North South University (NSU), Dhaka. We have one grand daughter Nameera Tanaz Ahmed.


Elder daughter Sumana Ahmed, graduated in Computer Science and Engineering from BUET. She obtained her M. Sc. in Computer Science from Bristol University, U.K. and presently working for the Ph.D. degree at Bristol University, UK. She is married to Tasin Reza, B.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering (NSU, Bangladesh) and M.Sc. in Computer Science (University of Bath, UK). He is working as a Computer Specialist in a Computer firm in London, UK.


Younger daughter Sharmina Ahmed, graduated. in Computer Science and Engineering degree BUET and received her Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering from North Carolina State University, USA. She is Married to Dr. Sajjad Rahman, B.Sc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (BUET, Dhaka), M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (Saskatchewan University, Canada), Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering (University of Illinois, USA). Both are working with INTEL in the USA.